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Shoot it, Smoke it, Snort it: EMS detection of drugs that impair  **POPULAR**

The presentation aims at improving an EMS responder(s) ability at recognizing a patient(s) who portrays reasonable suspicion of using or is under the influence of a controlled substance and how to take appropriate action, patient assessment and safety measures. Review the physical indicators of impairment and how those signs can be misinterpreted. The primary target audience of the lecture is non-law enforcement personnel. Each attendee will receive with a quick reference card.

Excited Delirium – a True Medical Emergency; Not a Crime  **POPULAR**

Historically, a naked, screaming and agitated individual standing in a roadway during heavy traffic required only police response. Law enforcement were expected to remove the subject from the roadway and take them to an appropriate facility. When force was used to subdue the subject, injuries were commonplace and EMS responded at the request of the police to treat the injuries. Medical treatment was focused upon clearing the subject for incarceration at a jail facility. Unfortunately, this scenario often resulted in the untimely and unnecessary death of the subject.

Domestic Violence – an EMS approach   **POPULAR**

This presentation is provided, as a guide to equip EMS Providers with the information needed to understand the issues involved in responding to domestic violence calls. While pre-hospital providers are trained in patient assessment and the care of physical illness and injuries, scenes of domestic violence can include issues often outside the provider’s clinical training.

Technology down, eyes up 

Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. All distractions endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety. Public safety professionals are at an all time high for distracted driving with the advent of new technology. Realistic, best practices that make for a safe response will be presented.

EVACUATE! Life or Death in Minutes 

This course is designed to help first responders safely and effectively respond to pipeline incidents and emergencies. The purpose is to provide the first responder with the knowledge and understanding how pipelines operate, common products that may be transported and tactical response considerations that will facilitate a safe response by public safety professionals.

The Black Hole – Challenging Crisis Communications

Communication is a fundamental block of emergency management and yet an inherent struggle during disasters. By walking through an incident response, we will discuss how operationalizing theoretical communication strategies can cripple the best laid plans.

Public Health’s role in healthcare evacuations 

This seminar will explore the supportive role that public health organizations can take to ensure safe, timely, and effective evacuations of healthcare facilities during times of disasters or unplanned events.

Public Health: Solutioning disaster response activities to support functional needs populations

This conversational presentation will examine the tools, methods, and strategies necessary to ensure equal access and delivery of services to people with disabilities in all phases of emergency management are met. 

SPM – Bariatric Emergencies

Bariatric procedures have increased 400% in the past decade. Public safety professionals are tasked with simple but complex responses of calls for service relating to the safe patient mobility (SPM) of bariatric patients. This presentation will address the common challenges, call makeup and requirements for pre-planning when treating the morbidly obese.

Pediatric Transport in Disasters

Are your local and regional emergency medical transportation assets ready to accommodate pediatric patients? This session will describe current capabilities and gaps, as well as lessons learned from previous disaster evacuations. Learn how to plan for and respond to pediatric mass transportation issues.

A little bit of this, a little bit of that, a pinch of health, a bushel of death

One of the most common causes of poisoning among seniors is accidental medication overdose. Drug overdose often happens as a result of the use of multiple drugs with counter indications simultaneously. The instructional and training requirements, psychological issues and caring techniques for aiding seniors in medication usage will be discussed through a case study approach. Care actions performed in pre-hospital settings for dramatic patient impact will be presented.

CSI: [Conference/State Name] EMS – An awareness program for non-forensic personnel

The presentation aims at raising awareness of the importance of good practices in crime scene investigations and the nature and relevance of physical evidence. It covers issues related to the work at the scene, from the actions of the first responder(s) to the submission of evidence to the laboratory. The primary target audience of the lecture is non-forensic personnel, i.e. first responders and any person involved in the crime scene investigation process without full-fledged training, to help them understand the importance of their actions and the consequences of not applying basic principles of good practice.

“I’m Sorry I can’t Share that information with you” – Exposing the myths of HIPAA

What exactly can I tell a cop about my patient? This presentation will provide a simple, concise explanation of how HIPAA applies to EMS/Law Enforcement collaboration. Drunk Drivers, Domestic abuse & suspected crimes, are all areas health care providers find themselves reluctant to share vital information. The “myths” of HIPAA can bring communication to a halt and they can compromise appropriate clinical care and public safety. HIPAA is not meant to create a significant barriers, it provides tools that agencies should use in developing policies on sharing information.

ChemSucs – Responder Tactics Dictate Responder Survival

If you have not been called to a chemical suicide, you will be. It is essential that you recognize the clues of H2S, maintain a safe distance, and approach only with appropriate PPE and proper atmospheric monitoring. If treatment is needed, EMS providers should be prepared to deliver care while protecting themselves from exposures. It is inexcusable for any responder to be exposed during a response to a chemical suicide.


OSHA has specific guidelines to protect healthcare workers who provide patient care. EMS services have a responsibility to protect both its patients and staff from injury and illness during procedures, and to keep its workers safe at its facilities. However, does OSHA apply to EMS agencies?

Domestic Terrorism – Not in my back yard

This course traces the history, emergence, and growth of domestic terrorist and extremist groups within the United States. Students will assess various groups’ intentions, capabilities, and activities within contexts of and ramifications on political, national security, and legal paradigms. Topics include current and active domestic groups; their organizational structure, philosophies and networks. The discussions will examine the interrelationships and interactions of presently known groups.

Zombie Driver…Shift of the Living Dead

Fatigue is often ranked as a major factor in causing road crashes although its contribution to individual cases is hard to measure and is often not reported as a cause of crash. Driver fatigue is particularly dangerous because one of the symptoms is decreased ability to judge our own level of tiredness. Public safety professionals are not exempt from the symptoms of drowsy vehicle operation.

Pipeline Safety for First Responders

This course is designed to help first responders safely and effectively respond to pipeline incidents and emergencies. The purpose is to provide the first responder with the knowledge and understanding how pipelines operate, common products that may be transported and tactical response considerations that will facilitate a safe response by public safety professionals.

Pedi Pat – Back to the Basics

Assessing the pediatric patient can be one of the most challenging and stressful tasks for prehospital providers. Typically the clinician’s anxiety is inversely proportional to the size of our patient. We will review the basic concepts for an effective pediatric assessment and the appropriate interview techniques including Broselow®, APGAR, Pediatric Assessment Triangle and more. Each attendee will receive a quick reference card.

Slam it! Opioid Overdose

Opioid overdose is a serious public health issue. It continues to be a major public health problem in the United States. It has contributed significantly to accidental deaths among those who use, misuse or abuse illicit and prescription opioids. Such deaths are very often preventable, so long as a witness/responder to an overdose recognizes what is happening and knows how to respond appropriately.

A leadership that moves EMS from "Good to Great"

Do you work with a "Level 5" leader? Have you ever had a deficient leader you worked for? Did you realize that leadership is not about what you can do but rather who you are? Interpersonal communication is the key to a great leader. There are no checklists to work from; there is no "style" to mimic. Master who you are, then work on getting the "right people on the bus; into the seats, and the wrong off". If you serve those that you lead with humility and a fierce resolve for the organization's mission and vision then you will be able to guide a transformation from "Good to Great"!

Leading with Authenticity- the courage to Speak Truth to Power!

Do you desire to be the best leader possible? Do you want to lead an organization that has mastered its standards of delivery? Leading with Authenticity will help you drive the path to success. You need to know what you know, know what you don't know and understand that you need to continually work on what you don't know you don't know. True leaders know who they are and can speak truth to power...confront the brutal facts. Complete this journey and your agency's recruitment and retention will never be an issue.

Leading Authentically - (Combination of "Good to Great" and "Speaking Truth to Power")

This two (2) hour course creates a new paradigm of thinking regarding leadership. Those that desire to facilitate change within their stakeholders should attend. We will begin to understand the framework of Authentic Leadership by identifying what is true and real within you, your organization and community. We will start the journey of understanding how humility and fierce resolve to your organization's mission, meaning and values will create a culture of discipline. Finally, we will frame how to form "buy-in" to transform your agency from "Good to Great".

© 2022 by Adam Wojciehowski. All Rights Reserved.

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